Prof. Dr. Vladimir Kakurinov is the Executive Director and Founder of Consulting and Training Center KEY, since 2008.
A university professor, as well as an accredited trainer and consultant, with over 30 years of experience in the fields of food safety and hygienic engineering and design. He has trained over 1,000 individuals from over 500 companies and institutions, worldwide, in HACCP and Hygienic Engineering and Design, while also participating in numerous international projects.
He is the founder of the Annual International Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition Congress – NUTRICON (in 2014), as well as the Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design (JHED) (in 2012), of which he is the Editor-in-Chief.
The Journal is a free-access publication platform, accepted in many scientific databases, containing more than 40,000 officially registered readers from academia and more than 1,000 companies from around the world.
Highly regarded in his field, Prof. Dr Vladimir Kakurinov is a former European Hygienic Engineering Design Group (EHEDG) Macedonian Regional Section Chairman, and is a Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) Ambassador for Macedonia, and is a member of numerous international organizations as EFFoST, B-FoST, etc.
He has written many scientific publications in numerous scientific journals and is also the author/coauthor of many books/chapters and editor in a few international books such as: the Encyclopedia of Food Safety, the first European Glossary of terms in Food Quality and Safety recognized by the EU, Food safety short stories, and Nutritional and Health Aspects of Food in the Balkans, published by Elsevier and other international publishers.
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